Art is a very powerful tool. Its power lies in the power of influence. Art can influence and manipulate emotion. Tolstoy even says that the goal of art is to infect observers with intended specific emotions. As with all things of great power, the potential for good and bad are equal.
Art can be used to inflict all types of emotion. This extends from inciting fear and helplessness to happiness and optimism. The use of art to inflict the former can be dangerous while the latter can be of great use and good. Making people feel helpless makes them depressed and provides a lack of motivation and drive to do much of anything. On the other hand optimistic people are more likely to take risks and with that potentially succeed in new and great developments.
It is because of the nature of duality that art is a very dangerous tool. Artists have a great responsibility to use art carefully. Like Stan Lee’s character Uncle Ben said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Is this too dangerous a power for mere humans to control?